reconnect with your self:

A focus on connecting physical, emotional and mental well-being in today's busy lives...

About me, Tanya :  I am qualified in Remedial Massage Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Beauty Therapy, Kinesiology, Traditional Chinese Cupping, Dry Needling, Reiki and Australian Bush Flower Essences. 

When I treat a client and they open their eyes at the end of the session and tell me that they can't describe how amazing they feel, I know I have done my work well..

Qualifications and study aside (there are a lot to mention), most importantly I have more than 25 years experience and an absolute love for what I do. Being able to incorporate remedial therapy and energetic rebalancing into a treatment in such a way that it feels calm and relaxing brings me great pleasure as clients can both unwind the nervous system and heal pain simultaneously.

Each treatment session is personalised to suit you.
